Paul John Single Malt - Brilliance 46%

Paul John Single Malt - Brilliance 46%

定價 $538.00 $0.00 單價

Demerara 糖散發出一絲甜美的香味,帶有一絲肉桂、少許蜂蜜和淡淡的香料味。甜味、香料和所有美好的東西,讓這款單一麥芽威士忌成為可能。蜂蜜般的光滑度被脆棒般的脆度所抵消。某處,還有一絲可可的味道。


The Demerara sugars give off a whiff of sweet fragrances, with a hint of cinnamon, dash of honey and faint spices.

Sweet and spice and all things nice, make this Single Malt. The honey-like smoothness is offset by the crunchy-bar-like crispness. Somewhere, there is also a tinge of cocoa.

Brilliance has a smooth and beautifully relaxed finish, with a hint of mild spices and deep intense vanilla.

Sparkling copper.